Optimizely is PCI Compliant

Optimizely known to lead the Experimentation Platform.. With great scientific invention happening with a number of experiments and trial runs behind the scene, Optimizely has taken the lead to showcase its experimentation platform - Optimizely X to entitle marketing teams, development teams and product teams to ensure better business solutions to provide better client experiences through our experimentation platform.

This helps to understand what customers would benefit through business solutions through our experimentation platform in giving them an absolute digital experience

Having said that Optimizely X now meets the security standards of being PCI compliant while processing the online payment. Customers can exploit the experimentation platform - Optimizely X through out the purchase funnel right from the landing page. Customers can now experiment with Optimizely X everywhere in the purchase funnel on their PCI compliant-website, from the initial landing page until the credit card checkout flow.

E-commerce industry has taken an upper hand covering retail, media, travel and other sectors churning out their fortune through the digital resources. Businesses are hence now relying to process credit card information and payment data online. With that in place, security has become more challenging for both IT admins and consumers.

Security researchers have found out that a data breach would cost as much as $4 million. The marketers are also not finding proper sale conversions with an increased rate of shopping cart abandonment - going up to 74.3% globally. With Optimizely being PCI Compliant adhering to security standards, it assures its customers with guaranteed security and optimize shopping by experimenting the customer's path through the purchase funnel.

With PCI compliance, the customers of Optimizely, have the leverage to exploit the the experimentation platform, in order to understand the online customer shopping experience. This helps you understand and study on the reasons for bounce rates which helps to experiment on how to bring about high conversion rates and enhanced order value.

The PCI DSS or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is a security standard to comply while the merchant or service providers follow online payment card processing for organizations that process credit card transactions. Optimizely ensures PCI scan compliance standards to deliver customers a secure channel to experiment the customer experiences through the online payment process through the business website.


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